MoonBit Update——0819

Language Update

  • MoonBit Beta Preview

MoonBit Beta Preview achieved major features of modern generic system, precise error handling, and efficient iterators, and AI-powered toolchain, offering real use cases in cloud and edge computing. Read our latest blog for details.

  • Error Type Printing Improvement

Error type printing now allows error types that implement Show to display more detailed information when used as Error. For example:

type! MyErr String derive(Show)

fn f() -> Unit! { raise MyErr("err") }

fn main {

println(f?()) // Output: Err(MyErr("err"))


  • Test Block Enhancement

Added support for parameters in test blocks. The parameter type must be @test.T.

test "hello" (it: @test.T) {

inspect!(, content="hello")


Build System Update

  • Fixed an issue where moon info would write the wrong mbti file path when the source field was set in moon.mod.json.

Core Update

  • Added last function to array and fixedarray.

  • Frequently used functions in the test package have been moved to builtin, and the old functions have been deprecated.

  • Added last, head, and intersperse methods to iter.

IDE Update

  • MoonBit IDE now supports the VS Code Test Explorer.

  • Online IDE Multi-Package Editing

The online IDE now supports multi-package editing. You can develop MoonBit modules with package dependencies just like in a local environment. In this example, the main package depends on the lib package.

Other Update

  • MoonBit docs domain is now:

  • As MoonBit’s language features stabilize and reaches the beta preview, update announcements will be adjusted to once every two weeks.