- Are there more details on what the concurrency model will be in the future? (cooperate async/await or not, parallelism etc.)
Since the plan is to align with the wasm proposal it’s probably far away in the future but curious to know if there are any discussions around how it will feel to write it in Moonbit, and any potential examples
e.g. Will it be CSP (goroutines style) or actor model like Elixir/Swift/Lunatic, will Moonbit aim for a preemptible model or a cooperative one
Once we deploy, wondering how we plan to integrate Moonbit with the opentelemetry ecosystem to observe our Moobit services in production (is there potential to reuse some foundations or will these integrations need to be written from scratch)
Is there a server framework we can use with Moonbit to serve HTTP requests? Or what do people usually do currently?
Now that we have a JS backend, does this change how we integrate JS libraries with Moonbit if we target JS (no longer needing FFI in that case?), and how is the experience of binding Moonbit to the web ecosystem when we target a JS backend, are there any examples?
e.g. Is the goal to have the same level of JS integration as Rescript?
e.g. Is it possible for us to use a JS server framework like Hono, and write logic in Moonbit and will it be somewhat seamless if we use the JS target?